A Goddess sent to Earth can show us the way.

The Goddess of Promised Land: Lamentations (Book Two) NOW OUT!


The Goddess of Promised Land: Lamentations (Book Two) NOW OUT! 𖤓

In Genesis (Book One), we witnessed baby Sophia-Emma’s courageous mother who knew no limits in protecting her daughter, whom she found in a pasture on her family’s old plantation while an eagle circled above her. Years have now passed as we now offer the second book in this series. In Lamentations (Book Two), we find our hero Sophia-Emma taking on leadership in her family and community. But with that come dangers that even a Spirit-Goddess will find challenging and life-threatening. Can she survive to go on with her mission?


H. Byron Ballard – writer, priestess, witch

“Shhh, listen. Everywhere you can hear it—the sound of a long-held breath being released, with a sigh, a grunt, a fierce scream. The Divine Spirit who is Goddess and Goddesses, singular and plural, has crept back into our world and our lives. This force has been deliberately repressed for so long that She seems now new in Her returning, new and also impossibly old. Elder, mother, sister, and child to those who have held Her in their hearts and bones for so long. Too long. She has returned when the earth and our species needs Her most—and we welcome Her.”


Mindi Meltz, author of the After Ever After Trilogy

“An engaging, unpredictable coming-of-age tale which seeks the Divine Feminine to answer injustice, rather than sacrificing innocent passion on the altar of jaded realism. Perhaps we need more of this kind of ‘growing up.’”

“For most of Rachael Roberts Bliss’ adult life, she was busy supporting her family. The Asheville woman wrote a nonfiction book in 1996 but otherwise put her dreams of being a writer on hold.”

Mountain Xpress (Justin McGuire)

Rachael Roberts Bliss

About the Author

Rachael Roberts Bliss grew up on a traditional farm and went to church every Sunday and Holy Day at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Dunlap, Iowa. She knew she wanted to be a writer when she saw tears in her father’s eyes as he read her last school newspaper editorial in the Dunlap Reporter.

After graduation, she worked in television and print media but found more fulfillment working for social justice nonprofits that focused on hunger, the environment, poverty, and peace and justice. Her last job was as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer in her sixties.

Now living in Asheville, NC, when she is not pecking away on her laptop, she’s playing grandma with her eight grandchildren or demonstrating for peace and justice at home and throughout the world.

“I’ve always had to work to make dependable money for my family, even up into my 60s. Now that my children are on their own, I have time to take a chance on writing and perhaps share an important message: that women should become leaders and guides. Directing how the world should run has been left up to too many men throughout history. It’s now time to let women do what they do best, by not leading like men but by leading with their feminine strengths worldwide.  

I’m a liberal Christian who’s often thought that when Jesus was incarnated as a human, humankind didn’t truly take his message to heart and our patriarchal system was instrumental in this misinterpretation. Thus, the world didn’t get better, but, in many ways, became worse. The Holy Ghost, who many early Christians saw as the feminine face of God, then got her chance to bring the divine feminine way of guiding the world to us. I admit this is fiction and not a story meant to dispel what are dearly held beliefs of the Christian faith. It’s just a what if type story.”

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (828)505-9425, rachael_bliss@yahoo.com, or feel free to use our contact form below.